Monday Motivation: Distractions & Parrots

Mondays aren’t so horrible when you work for yourself. The challenge for me, always, is getting into and sticking with a routine that allows me to focus and be productive. Everything distracts me. Or I let everything distract me. If I’m feeling as if things are scattered and unfinished–my marketing plan for NIGHT MOVES this… Continue reading Monday Motivation: Distractions & Parrots

Monday Motivation: April 15, 2024

With spring in the air here in San Diego and a new book due out in August, I’m thinking about growth: What do we do when our attempts to grow don’t work? How important is growth, anyway? What if we have to pivot back to something we hoped to leave behind? How can we nurture… Continue reading Monday Motivation: April 15, 2024

Monday Motivation

My motivation today is simple: Get my book edits done! Okay, it’s not quite that simple because I also decided to create an online writers marketing group for small press authors (with a couple self/indie authors thrown into the mix). It’s more work for me, but I’ve been feeling the need to have a community… Continue reading Monday Motivation