Book Cover Reveal

On Monday my second Olivia Lively, PI mystery book, NIGHT MOVES, went up for sale on some of the major retail sites. The title is ready for pre-order. Hooray! Book designer Deirdre Wait created yet another stand-out cover, and I think the purple and orange color and Liv’s big, yellow sunglasses will temp readers to… Continue reading Book Cover Reveal

Monday Motivation: April 15, 2024

With spring in the air here in San Diego and a new book due out in August, I’m thinking about growth: What do we do when our attempts to grow don’t work? How important is growth, anyway? What if we have to pivot back to something we hoped to leave behind? How can we nurture… Continue reading Monday Motivation: April 15, 2024

Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F. Kuang Part II

This is a continuation of my review Part 1. If you missed it, click HERE. Social Media is Bad Sauce As cringe-worthy as Kuang makes the publishing arena out to be in her amazing work of fiction, Yellowface, she holds another industry in even greater contempt. Social media. In case you aren’t aware, the platforms… Continue reading Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F. Kuang Part II

5 Similarities Between Cozy Mysteries and Chick Lit

Remarkable! News, April 2023 Dear Loyal Reader: I have something fun for you! It’s a deleted scene from my WIP (work in progress), NIGHT MOVES: An Olivia Lively Mystery, Book 2. Originally, this was going to be a prequel novella, so that meant Liv and her bad-boy ex, Rob Mickelson, were together. Reading this won’t… Continue reading 5 Similarities Between Cozy Mysteries and Chick Lit

March Newsletter: The Glam Life of a Writer?

Dear Loyal Reader, it is officially spring. With the change of season comes a change to the REMARKABLE! News. You may not notice the difference, but I’m sending this via a new platform. I’m hoping it reaches you and doesn’t end up in a spam folder. Basically, I’m writing the newsletter on my website now–from… Continue reading March Newsletter: The Glam Life of a Writer?

Vintage Lit: Mary Roberts Rinehart & Her Maine Connection

Mary Roberts Rinehart's The Yellow Room

We’ve all heard the big Maine literature names from days of old: Sarah Orne Jewett, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, E.B. White, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Edna St. Vincent Millay. I love them all. However, there is more to Maine literary history than these venerable writers. I’ve been astounded to realize that many popular-in-their-day genre fiction writers also… Continue reading Vintage Lit: Mary Roberts Rinehart & Her Maine Connection