January 30, 2025

Beets and greens on a bed of creamy sauce and balsamic dressing.


Airplanes. Yesterday while out on the balcony, I heard so many planes. I did a search about it on the internet, and I learned there’s a upcoming big and important joint exercise planned with us, Japan, and Australia, so maybe they were practicing.

Today, I haven’t heard as many jets, but I’ve been inside calling the local Internet provider about getting set up in the new apartment. We move in tomorrow! I will be without a connection for a few days–except when C has his hotspot going–but then we should be good. So I may be logged off for the weekend, for the most part.

I read the horrible news about the plane and helicopter crash in D.C. Nightmare scenario. My heart feels heavy for the families of the passengers and crew who died. Also, realizing how much I take for granted every time I get onto a plane, which is much more than I like but necessary when one lives far from home.

As if we aren’t in enough upheaval with politics, government, and fires, now we are mourning this senseless tragedy.

I usually only see the news by accident. If one looks out the window at the real world outside, most days life is pretty good. I think we need to keep as clear a vision of reality as possible and find ways to coalesce around larger voices rather than becoming part of the chattering rage online. Social media uses us and divides us. We allowed it to happen; we plugged ourselves in and allowed our thoughts and ideas to be ruthlessly scoured/mined.

Now it’s time to take back our MINDS.

Speaking of reducing social media, efforts to bring people over to my email list/newsletter have paid off. I’ve seen a 17% increase this month, and I’m feeling hopeful.

Of course, this isn’t the same as writing and publishing actual books. I worked on Strawberry Moon again today, tightening and smoothing the prose. I think I’ll have to set it aside until my notes arrive in the household goods because I know I came up with some good twists and just can’t remember them.

plate with a dish composed of a sauce on bottom with chunks of beets and slices of beets with croutons and little sprigs of greens.

A wonderful beet salad from Primo Pizzakaya. The pizza was delish, as well. I want to go back and try ALL the dishes, especially the pizza our bartender (we sit at bars to eat quite a bit) recommended as her favorite which features . . . eel. I’m down for it.

As soon as I get internet in the apartment, I’ll start working on my Guam series about literary novelist turned ghostwriter, Stephanie Hardy. It’s tempting to wait until I get more of a handle on this setting, but as she’s new to the place, like I am, this might be a good time to just go for it.

Fashion. I saw another woman, stylish silver haired, wearing a colorful caftan in the hotel lobby yesterday, so I feel a little justified in buying my two splashy pieces. Today, I’m wearing the orange and black and cream caftan with the bold graphic shapes.

Food. We went to dinner yesterday at a pub called LYT and tried the fried pickles, pork belly appetizer, and a smash burger and onion rings.

We split all these. We are eating one meal a day most days, which is good because I’m not getting any exercise. I could exercise, but I’m not. Mostly I’m just hanging around in this hotel room.

The server at LYT recommended a local beer to C. I drank my Diet Coke because I’m still not interested in booze at the moment. The server had a gold tooth. There were some pilots–I think probably Air Force but could be Navy–at the next table. I could hear their conversation, especially one loud, kind of aggressive-sounding guy, who talked about a woman who broke up with him:

“She knew she was hot, and then . . .” Some colorful language in the ensuing story.

Wish I’d listened more closely.


  1. I too try to ignore all the hate and rage on social media and read most of my news online. Your Beet salad looks delicious! We usually sat at bars to eat . Lloyd made friends everywhere he went and loved holding court from a bar stool 😉It is cold here in Maine today , I would enjoy your Guam weather . Good luck moving !

  2. lol love all of this (the dating story) as well as all the info here. So happy for you guys. and all the yes on social media, the crash etc. Felipe may know some of the people killed from the pipefitters union in DC he was a part of but waiting to hear the names.

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