Book Cover Reveal

On Monday my second Olivia Lively, PI mystery book, NIGHT MOVES, went up for sale on some of the major retail sites. The title is ready for pre-order. Hooray! Book designer Deirdre Wait created yet another stand-out cover, and I think the purple and orange color and Liv’s big, yellow sunglasses will temp readers to… Continue reading Book Cover Reveal

One Step Closer

Hard at work on your next great read!

So this morning I’m listening to Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years and of course my mind flashes to the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer and how every time I watch the movies, I like them more. I never read the books, if I’m being totally honest, but they were a favorite of someone in my… Continue reading One Step Closer

Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F. Kuang Part II

This is a continuation of my review Part 1. If you missed it, click HERE. Social Media is Bad Sauce As cringe-worthy as Kuang makes the publishing arena out to be in her amazing work of fiction, Yellowface, she holds another industry in even greater contempt. Social media. In case you aren’t aware, the platforms… Continue reading Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F. Kuang Part II

Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F.Kuang Part I

Spoiler alert: If you don’t want to know anything ahead of time, wait and read this later. I won’t tell everything, but I do mention some things. Continue at your own risk. When you read R.F. Kuang’s disturbingly funny novel about publishing and literary theft, prepare to be unsettled. If you are a reader, you… Continue reading Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F.Kuang Part I

The Return of Jennifer Crusie & Bob Mayer

So excited to read Lavender's Blue!

When I read Jennifer Crusie’s romantic comedy, Bet Me, when it came out in 2004, I knew I was reading something extraordinary. I’d been a Crusie fan well before that book, but with this delicious story of love and Chicken Marsala and friendship–with it’s meta narrative about romance and falling in love provided by an… Continue reading The Return of Jennifer Crusie & Bob Mayer