Monday Motivation: Distractions & Parrots

Mondays aren’t so horrible when you work for yourself. The challenge for me, always, is getting into and sticking with a routine that allows me to focus and be productive. Everything distracts me. Or I let everything distract me. If I’m feeling as if things are scattered and unfinished–my marketing plan for NIGHT MOVES this… Continue reading Monday Motivation: Distractions & Parrots

Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F. Kuang Part II

This is a continuation of my review Part 1. If you missed it, click HERE. Social Media is Bad Sauce As cringe-worthy as Kuang makes the publishing arena out to be in her amazing work of fiction, Yellowface, she holds another industry in even greater contempt. Social media. In case you aren’t aware, the platforms… Continue reading Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F. Kuang Part II

Writing Life: Heading Over the Rainbow

Writer’s Brain I don’t know about other writers, but if I spend too much time researching, reading, recharging, or goofing off rather than tapping away at my keyboard doing actual writing, I get as agitated and depressed as a Kansas farm girl watching her balloon-ride home drift away into the heavens.  This is my state… Continue reading Writing Life: Heading Over the Rainbow