Here is maybe the best explanation of why so many people write these days. In fact, it may always have been so. Readers love stories. They love them so much that eventually they get the urge to write their own. It’s natural. Always has been. The only difference now is that technology has made PUBLISHING… Continue reading Thursday, April 11
Author: Shelley Burbank
Monday Motivation
What’s motivating you today?
Revision Isn’t for the Weak
Update on my novel in progress and my mental breakdown on Friday.
Tuesday Trivia: Happy Birthday, Edith Wharton
On this day in 1862, Edith Newbold Jones was born in New York City. She published her first work at the age of 16, a book of poetry entitled Verses. Of course, we know Wharton by her later novels. She published The House of Mirth in 1905 and Ethan Frome in 1911. She lived for… Continue reading Tuesday Trivia: Happy Birthday, Edith Wharton
Monday Motivation
On Mondays, we will be motivated, Kristen Stewart, and Harry Potter and the Gemino Curse.
This or That
What I read this week.
Soup of the Week: Chicken Pot
So most every week I make a big pot of soup on Sunday or Monday that my hubby, C. and I can eat all week long. This week it was a basic chicken and veggie. I’d share a detailed recipe, but I don’t have one. I’ve been cooking long enough I just throw it together.… Continue reading Soup of the Week: Chicken Pot
One Step Closer
So this morning I’m listening to Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years and of course my mind flashes to the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer and how every time I watch the movies, I like them more. I never read the books, if I’m being totally honest, but they were a favorite of someone in my… Continue reading One Step Closer
New Year, New Focus
Lately, I’ve been feeling even more squirmy about the tangled mess that is authorship, marketing, publishing, PR, building a readership, and social media.
Book Review: Principles of (E)motion by Sara Read
A modern and “mathical” fairy tale perfect for our times.