Thursday On Monday, President’s Day, C and I decided to check out various beaches on Naval Base Guam. We stopped at one and found it crawling with ants and very little shade. As it was early afternoon, this wasn’t great, but it did look like a nice place to try out snorkeling if we can… Continue reading February 20, 2025
Category: Creativity
February 14, 2025
Friday This rainbow greeted me first thing this morning. It’s Valentine’s Day here in Guam, but honestly I didn’t even have it on my radar until we went into the NEX/commissary on base yesterday. Oh, look! Balloons! Flowers! We picked up a box of chocolates for today, but each of us had one last night… Continue reading February 14, 2025
February 4, 2025
Hooray, the GTA guys are here in our new place getting our internet set up.
Publishing’s Artisan Era?
I knew I was onto something. Every so often I feel change in the air. Something shifts and, like a kaleidoscope, bits and pieces fall into a different configuration, a new pattern. No, I’m not seeing the future. It’s not like I see the winning lottery numbers. The ability must be more along the lines… Continue reading Publishing’s Artisan Era?
Thursday Vibes
For two days now I’ve meant to post an entry in this writing journal. Instead I’ve been busy revising “Rosalie.” It’s a GOOD sign when I’m so engaged in the writing work, I forget the blogging. Oh, and I did get the Mailer Lite all authenticated and verified after a bit of back and forth… Continue reading Thursday Vibes
Monday Motivation: Distractions & Parrots
Mondays aren’t so horrible when you work for yourself. The challenge for me, always, is getting into and sticking with a routine that allows me to focus and be productive. Everything distracts me. Or I let everything distract me. If I’m feeling as if things are scattered and unfinished–my marketing plan for NIGHT MOVES this… Continue reading Monday Motivation: Distractions & Parrots
Monday Motivation: April 15, 2024
With spring in the air here in San Diego and a new book due out in August, I’m thinking about growth: What do we do when our attempts to grow don’t work? How important is growth, anyway? What if we have to pivot back to something we hoped to leave behind? How can we nurture… Continue reading Monday Motivation: April 15, 2024
Thursday, April 11
Here is maybe the best explanation of why so many people write these days. In fact, it may always have been so. Readers love stories. They love them so much that eventually they get the urge to write their own. It’s natural. Always has been. The only difference now is that technology has made PUBLISHING… Continue reading Thursday, April 11
Revision Isn’t for the Weak
Update on my novel in progress and my mental breakdown on Friday.
Monday Motivation
On Mondays, we will be motivated, Kristen Stewart, and Harry Potter and the Gemino Curse.