March 28, 2025

Friday Just a quick journal entry. It’s been over a week since I wrote in this online journal. Last week was a bit of a production blur with both my Pink Dandelions newsletter and a Type M for Murder post AND a guest post coming out. What have I done since then? I addressed and… Continue reading March 28, 2025

March 14, 2025

Friday This week has been a challenge for several reasons, but mostly because I am experiencing some annoying and troubling pain in my wrists and finger joints. Feet, too, to a lesser extent. It’s really hard to enjoy life or concentrate on work when you hurt. It’s worse when you have no idea why this… Continue reading March 14, 2025

March 8, 2025

Saturday Image: Spring and Dandelions. After the winter comes rebirth. Pink dandelions, like their yellow counterparts, are a symbol of hope, dreams, and wishes. They remind us of the passage of time, the transitory nature of life. A dandelion holds within itself healing properties, strengthening and detoxifying. Let’s be like dandelions. Had a tech come… Continue reading March 8, 2025

Writing Life: Heading Over the Rainbow

Writer’s Brain I don’t know about other writers, but if I spend too much time researching, reading, recharging, or goofing off rather than tapping away at my keyboard doing actual writing, I get as agitated and depressed as a Kansas farm girl watching her balloon-ride home drift away into the heavens.  This is my state… Continue reading Writing Life: Heading Over the Rainbow

Book Review: THE SECOND MOUNTAIN by David Brooks

Every so often I come across a book that not only speaks to the very concerns with which I am most engaged at the moment but also bounces me off in a completely unexpected direction. Read on to hear how David Brooks’s book, THE SECOND MOUNTAIN, left me feeling more committed to the idea of… Continue reading Book Review: THE SECOND MOUNTAIN by David Brooks

Writing Life: The Cozy Comfort of Knitting

When you find yourself distracted and upset by the outside world, sometimes there’s nothing better than picking up a couple of hefty needles and a skein of soft, bright, bulky yarn.  Read on to hear about how a simple knit stitch project like this comfort shawl can lift your spirits in crazy times.    March.… Continue reading Writing Life: The Cozy Comfort of Knitting

Palm Springs

Viva Marilyn

Hello, Lovelies! With things opening back up (finally) and spring in the air, Hubby and I decided to take a brief overnight trip up to Palm Springs. We’d heard about it, but really didn’t know what to expect. Turns out, it was Modernism Week–an 11-day festival dedicated to all things Mid-Century Modern, celebrating midcentury architecture,… Continue reading Palm Springs

Writing Life: Spring Cleaning My Tech

“Out of clutter find simplicity. From discord find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” –Albert Einstein Every so often, the need to simplify, downsize, and clarify, grabs hold of me and I become a whirling dervish of activity: selling tableware, giving away books, tossing files from filing cabinets, bundling up old clothes to… Continue reading Writing Life: Spring Cleaning My Tech

Short Story: Something Sparkly in a Little Velvet Box

Just for you, my dear readers, a Valentine’s Day short story with a happy ending. XOXO, Shelley SOMETHING SPARKLY IN A LITTLE VELVET BOX ******** “I have bad news.”  Henley’s voice faded in and out, the cell service in that part of Florida spotty. I pressed the phone against my ear. “What did you say?”… Continue reading Short Story: Something Sparkly in a Little Velvet Box

Author Q & A: Nancy Gardner

The cover of Dream Stalker by Nancy Gardner

Nancy Gardner, whose new novel, DREAM STALKER just came out in both ebook and paperback, likes to garnish her mystery stories with a paranormal twist.  DREAM STALKER is the first in a series of three books the New England author has planned. It tells the story of Lily Scott, a modern-day Salem witch who is… Continue reading Author Q & A: Nancy Gardner