Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F.Kuang Part I

Spoiler alert: If you don’t want to know anything ahead of time, wait and read this later. I won’t tell everything, but I do mention some things. Continue at your own risk. When you read R.F. Kuang’s disturbingly funny novel about publishing and literary theft, prepare to be unsettled. If you are a reader, you… Continue reading Book Review: YELLOWFACE by R.F.Kuang Part I

March Newsletter: The Glam Life of a Writer?

Dear Loyal Reader, it is officially spring. With the change of season comes a change to the REMARKABLE! News. You may not notice the difference, but I’m sending this via a new platform. I’m hoping it reaches you and doesn’t end up in a spam folder. Basically, I’m writing the newsletter on my website now–from… Continue reading March Newsletter: The Glam Life of a Writer?

She’s Killing Knit

Debbie knit (actually crocheted) FIVE comfort shawls for the Cozy Butterfly Project! Thanks, Sh’awl! Last week, my good friend and sister writing group member, Debbie Broderick, delivered not one but FIVE comfort shawls to Hospice of Southern Maine as part of our Cozy Butterfly Project. I was totally blown away by her generosity and adeptness… Continue reading She’s Killing Knit

Writing Life: Heading Over the Rainbow

Writer’s Brain I don’t know about other writers, but if I spend too much time researching, reading, recharging, or goofing off rather than tapping away at my keyboard doing actual writing, I get as agitated and depressed as a Kansas farm girl watching her balloon-ride home drift away into the heavens.  This is my state… Continue reading Writing Life: Heading Over the Rainbow

Writing Life: The Cozy Comfort of Knitting

When you find yourself distracted and upset by the outside world, sometimes there’s nothing better than picking up a couple of hefty needles and a skein of soft, bright, bulky yarn.  Read on to hear about how a simple knit stitch project like this comfort shawl can lift your spirits in crazy times.    March.… Continue reading Writing Life: The Cozy Comfort of Knitting

Writing Life: Spring Cleaning My Tech

“Out of clutter find simplicity. From discord find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” –Albert Einstein Every so often, the need to simplify, downsize, and clarify, grabs hold of me and I become a whirling dervish of activity: selling tableware, giving away books, tossing files from filing cabinets, bundling up old clothes to… Continue reading Writing Life: Spring Cleaning My Tech