I have a title: The Peony Beach Hotel: A Later in Life, Starting Over Novella (Peony Beach Series, Book 1).
Tag: womens fiction
Book Review: Principles of (E)motion by Sara Read
A modern and “mathical” fairy tale perfect for our times.
Free Fiction: Little Red Roadster, A Christmas Story
Sasha hadn’t counted on snow. Just a few miles west, the sun splashed down on the Pacific, and sandy beaches encircled her island hometown like a brown sugar rim on a fancy cocktail. She’d packed up her little red roadster with presents wrapped for the east county charity event her cousin had planned and headed… Continue reading Free Fiction: Little Red Roadster, A Christmas Story
Short Story: Rainy Day Friends
Back in December, my flash fiction was published in San Diego Woman Magazine! I was thrilled because I’d actually pitched the idea of a fiction section in the magazine to the editor, and she gave it a try. THIS month, three more of my flashes are included in the latest edition–along with some other talented… Continue reading Short Story: Rainy Day Friends